Supported by Yate Town Council

Connection, conversation and creation.  

That’s what joining a Men’s Shed is all about.

Men’s Sheds encourage people to come together to make, repair and repurpose.

Supporting a variety of projects in their local communities.

Improving wellbeing, reducing loneliness and combatting social isolation.

Ours is a local organisation in Yate that promotes wellbeing through conversation and passing on knowledge, using a variety of tools and equipment.

We also get involved with a variety of informal projects both from members and other organisations.


Monday 13:30 to 16:30

Friday 09:00 to 12:00


Yate Parish Hall

Station Road, Yate, BS37 4PQ

[Near Tesco Express]

Thursday 10:30 to 12:00


The Armadillo Cafe

Yate Shopping Centre

[ Next to the Leisure Centre]

Hot Drinks and Bacon rolls available to buy

Yate Parish Hall

The Armadillo

Why not come along and see if you are interested ?

Alternatively you could  Email for further details.

“Men’s Sheds” is an international movement with over 420 sheds in the UK. Visit